E U P H O R I A P R E - S P R I N G S A L E
■ 25 MAR - 27 MAR ■

3 day sale event to welcome Spring!
This is a lead in to the E U P H O R I A upcoming SS2011 Fashion Week.
You can buy many best seller items at a promotional price of L$50.
【!SyDS! ELLE in Sea】

【!SyDS! ELLE in Sky】

!SyDS! Hair @ E U P H O R I A
■ 25 MAR - 27 MAR ■

3 day sale event to welcome Spring!
This is a lead in to the E U P H O R I A upcoming SS2011 Fashion Week.
You can buy many best seller items at a promotional price of L$50.
【!SyDS! ELLE in Sea】

【!SyDS! ELLE in Sky】

!SyDS! Hair @ E U P H O R I A
*New Hair* Night Fire
*New Hair* Muse
*New Hair* Lousy Liar
*New Hair* Kit
[LB] Lollipop Hair
!SyDS! Hair - Lollipop
*New Hair* Muse
*New Hair* Lousy Liar
*New Hair* Kit
[LB] Lollipop Hair
!SyDS! Hair - Lollipop
Posted by Serenite&yutaka at 01:00